Wow - what a GREAT reunion!  We had an outstanding attendance - 165 paid registrations.  This was the first reunion some of our classmates had ever attended. Classmates came from the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

And of course, many will remember the tornado that blew through Nebraska Thursday evening.  Some of our classmates who came to the reunion early will remember (for a long time)  sitting out in the hall on the the ground floor of the motel.  Others arrived on the tail end of the tornado unaware why Interstate 80 was closed. 

Many thanks to the entire Reunion Committee for all of their hard work in making the reunion a big success!  It's hard to believe 50 years have gone by so fast!!


Bus Tour of Middle School

Bus Tour of High School

Bus Tour of Motorsport Park

Page Created 8/30/08
Page Updated 4/12/20