1. 45 RPM
records |
2. Telephone
party lines |
3. Butch Wax |
4. Soda pop
machines that dispensed glass bottles |
5. Howdy
Doody |
P. F. Flyers |
7. Blue
Flashbulbs |
8. S & H
Green Stamps |
9. The Andy
Griffith Show |
10. Pea
Shooters |
11. Hi-fi's |
12. News
Reels before the movies |
13. Rabbit
ears with tin foil |
14. Drive-In
Movie Theaters with metal speakers |
15. Soda
Fountains |
16. Metal
ice trays with levers |
17. Home
milk delivery in glass bottles |
Blackjack chewing gum |
Candy cigarettes |
20. TV test
patterns that came on the screen after the
final show and
stayed there until TV shows started
again in the morning |
21. Diners &
Restaurants with tableside Jukeboxes |
22. Girls
school gym uniforms |
23. Metal
lunch boxes |
24. Telephone
numbers with a word prefix
(DRake-74303) |
25. Books
with records |
Mimeograph paper |
28. 33 RPM
records |
29. Cork
popguns |
30. Wash tub
wringers |
31. Boone's
Farm |
32. Roller
skate keys |
33. Home
Economics Class in school |
34. Wax
Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water |
35. 45 RPM
adaptors |