The 50's are often referred
to as the "good old days".
Life was simple back then!
Wasn't our class lucky to
have grown up in a small

For the most part we were
outdoor kids. We
played games in open fields,
in friends' yards and even
out in the streets.
When a car approached, we
moved to the side of the
street. We would never
have even thought of not
moving and taunting a
Kick the Can was one of our
all time favorite games.
We played Hide and Seek,
Captain May I, Red Light
Green Light, Red Rover and
other games out in the
street. How many of
you remember playing "King
of the Hill" on a giant
mount of dirt? The
boys played baseball, flag
foot ball and traded comic
books with each other.
Comic book trading even
became popular with many
Our houses had sidewalks out
in front where we roller
skated, played hop skotch,
jumped rope, played marbles
and jacks. Do any of
you remember winning a jacks
or marbles tournament in
elementary school? We
loved to ride our bikes all
over town. How many of
you remember putting playing
cards in your spokes?
We were so sure they made
our bikes sound like motor
We sat on friend's lawns at
night and caught lightening
bugs. We took them
home in a jar with holes
poked in the lid. We
marveled at those bugs
during the night, and took
them outside and released
them the next morning.
Kids who grew up in
Nebraska proved to be
very hardy.
Sledding was a winter
sport that many of us
loved. Heartwell
Park had many slopes
that we raced down on
our sleds.
Unfortunately the park
also had lots of trees
which we sometimes
managed to run into.
Ringland Rd. was the
perfect place for
sledding enthusiasts to
fly down the hill.
A kid was placed at the
bottom of the hill to
watch for cars.
However, sometimes he
got distracted & forgot
he was supposed to be
protecting his friends
from cars.
Luckily, no fatalities
occurred, but there were
some close calls over
the years!
Other important winter
activities were snowball
fights, building snow
men and forts and ice
skating. We had
three ice skating ponds
when we were in high
school. One
was across the street
from Prospect Park
between 2nd and 3rd
streets. One was
up by Crosier at 13th
and Academy and one was
down on the South side.

Lib's Park -
Photo Courtesy of
Sharon Gergen
We had lots of fun
during the summers.
We loved to go on
picnics with our
families and friends.
It was a real treat for
all of us when we were
allowed to go swimming.
How many of you remember
swimming at Lib's Park?
Do you remember the huge
redwood log we used to
swim under in the pool?
The pool closed down
about 1950 due to worn
out pumps and aging
equipment. It was
later renovated
and re-opened. It
closed down permanently
and was demolished when
the new water park
opened in Hastings.

Hastings Aquacourt |
when the Aquacourt
opened at Prospect Park
on 5th & Laird?
The Aquacourt opened
about 1952 or 1953.
We could swim there all
day for only a quarter.
The Aquacourt closed
when the new water park
was built on west 2nd

The City Auditorium |
Once a year came the big
event we had all been
waiting for. The
Shrine Circus came to
the city auditorium!
Remember how we all sat
there in awe as we
watched the high wire
acts? We were
totally mesmerized by
the animal acts and
clowns. How we
hoped one of the clowns
would come and talk to
us. Many of
us went home with dreams
of becoming a high wire
artist. We got
some really cool prizes
in our Cracker Jax boxes
back then!
Remember seeing the
animals in the street
outside of the
The City
Auditorium was
originally built in 1924
at at total cost of
$130.000. The
building has been
completely restored and
renovated over the
years. The
auditorium can seat
1,700 people ( 800 on
the main floor and 900
in the balcony.) It is
located at W. 4th St.
and N. Hastings Ave. and
is known as The Event
Center for South Central

Hatings Museum -
Photo Courtesy of
Sharon Gergen |
Many of our school trips
while we were in grade
school were to the
museum. It was
also a popular field
trip for scout troops.
As older kids, we went
there with our friends
and spent hours browsing
all of the displays.
Do you remember the
general store, the old
sod house, the bone
room, the old fire
engines and old cars?
Probably every one of
you remembers the rattle
snake and pushed the
button that made it
shake its tail so you
could hear the rattle!
How many of you remember
the admission price?
It was free until
January 1, 1968!
breaking ceremonies for
the museum were on
December 6, 1937.
The Museum
building was dedicated
during Jubilleum Days on
June 15, 1939.
The Hastings Museum was
known as The House of
Yesterday from 1941 to
The J.M.
McDonald Planetarium
which opened in 1968 was
the first addition to
the museum. The
most recent addition to
the museum is the IMAX
theater which closed on
December 31, 2001.
The theater was the
first of its kind in
Nebraska and one of the
few in the Great Plains
After six weeks of
renovation and the
addition of a new
projection system, the
Lied Super Screen
Theatre opened to the
public on February 12,
Remember running inside when
your favorite radio show was
about to start? Any of you
remember listening to the
The Shadow, Amos & Andy or
Abbott & Costello?
Often times we would be
happy to sit on the floor
and listen to our local
station, KHAS. In the
1950's KRGI, Grand Island,
came on the air and featured
music. We even had a
high powered station in Del
Rio, TX that we could listen
to late at night.
TVs began to
appear in some homes in
Hastings around 1950.
For the most part we were
absolutely intrigued by the
newest addition to our
homes. Initially
reception was terrible, but
we could sit there for hours
looking through the "snow"
trying to figure out exactly
what was happening on the
screen. The first station
available to us was WOWTV in
Omaha. KETV (channel
7) in Omaha had their grand
opening about 1951.
Channel 13 at Kearney -
Holdrege came on the air
about 1953. Around
1955, Hastings finally had
it's own station - KHASTV.
Soon antennas began to
appear on roofs through out
KHAS-TV became one of
the first stations in
Nebraska to broadcast in


Going to the movies
was a huge treat when we
were kids. The
Rivoli, Strand and State
were the 3 theatres in
Hastings when we were
growing up. In the
early 1950's the State
theatre burned leaving
us with only 2 theatres.
How many of you
remember the cost of a
child's ticket in 1950?
Do any of you remember
fibbing about your age
so you could get in for
the child's price.
Any of you remember the
embarrassment of getting
caught fibbing and
having to pay the full
price? Well, it's
hard to believe but the
cost of a child's ticket
in 1950 was 12 cents.
Now here is a question
that will test your
memories. Do you
remember what was along
the west side of The
Rivoli across from the
concessions on Easter
weekend? All kids
who went to the movies
the Saturday before
Easter were given a baby
chicken. Remember
how cute those baby
chicks were - all dyed
pretty pastel colors?
When the
drive-in-theatre opened
in Hastings, our
excitement was
insurmountable! It
was open on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
nights. When we
were younger, we would
beg our parents to take
us to a movie.
Thursday night was
Family night or as we
called it "Buck Night"
which meant the cost was
$1.00 per car. Of
course as we grew older,
we didn't want to get
caught at the drive-in
with our parents.
If we saw anyone we
knew, we would slide
down in our seats -
Heaven forbid any of our
friends would see us!

Fisher Rainbow Fountain |
When we were kids we
begged our parents to
take us to Highland Park
and drive around Fisher
Fountain. We were
so intrigued with the
colored water patterns.
We were just sure it was
the most beautiful thing
we had ever seen!
Rainbow Fountain, is
illuminated by
spotlights and
programmed to present a
continuous display of
dancing waters.
while we were dating,
Fisher Fountain remained
a popular attraction for
many of us. Fisher
Rainbow Fountain
is the largest water
between Chicago and

Heartwell Park |
Heartwell Park was a big
part of many of our
lives. In the
summertime we fished for
crawdads in the creek.
Remember our
sophisticated fishing
gear? We tied a
rock to a piece of
string with a piece of
bacon tied below the
rock. How many of
you remember taking home
your prized catch in a
coffee can? Or
better yet, how many of
you remember how bad
they smelled if you
forgot to take them back
to the creek?
As we sat on the edge of
the creek what fun it
was to dare a friend to
jump across the creek.
Of course, they often
did not make it and fell
shrieking into the
creek. Big time
worry then set in as we
tried to figure out
exactly how to explain
the wet and muddy
clothes to our moms.
And then there was the
wading pool for the
little kids to play in.
The bigger boys loved to
sneak up to the pool and
put crawdads in it.
When the little kids saw
them, they screamed with
fear and their mothers
were furious!
Remember the bridge
across the lake that led
to the island? No
longer can we view the
initials we carved in
that gate many years
ago. It is long
gone and with it went
some of our memories.
We loved to feed the
ducks and thought it
great fun to try to
catch one.
Sometimes we even took
one home to show our
parents. We were
always sent marching
right back to the lake
with the duck. For
some reason, our parents
were never fond of the
turtles we used to drag
home either.
We spent our winters ice
skating on the lake. We
played Pump Pump - Pull Away,
Marco Polo and other games
together. Remember the old
shack with the pot bellied
stove? When we couldn't
stand to get any colder, we went
in there to get warm. We
sat on the old wooden benches
and put our mittens on the
stove. The smell of those
mittens will remain in our
memories forever!
Many of the boys in in our
class spent their summers
playing Legion Baseball.
The girls spent a lot time
during the summers at Duncan
Field watching their
brothers or friends play
Duncan Field was built in
1941 on the corner of South
Street and Elm. It was
originally named Pershing
Field and renamed Duncan
Field in 1948 shortly after
the death of Donald Duncan.
Ducan Field is the current
home for Hasting's College
and American Legion games.

Pastime Bowling
Alley - Photo
Courtesy of Sharon
Gergen |
How many of you remember
bowling at the Pastime
Bowling Alley when it
was located on the
southwest corner of 2nd
& Kansas? Remember
it was the above the
General Supply Store.
We bowled there on
Saturdays for 45 cents a
line. In the late
1950's a new Pastime
Bowling Alley was built
on North Baltimore Ave.
That building burned
down in the early
We even
had a roller skating
rink when we were kids.
Hasting's Roller Rink -
it set back from the
highway just a little
back from Dalton's Cafe.
Remember it had a large
crystal ball that went
round and round in the
light and cast a

one of the biggest
events that came to
Hastings every year was
the Adams County Fair
out on Baltimore Avenue.
Remember all of those
games we played at the
midway? We plunked
down 10 cents/game or 25
cents/3 games trying to
win the BIG prize.
How many of you remember
the 4H exhibitions and
the cotton candy?
When we were younger it
was cool to go with our
parents and talk them
into riding the rides
with us.
When we
became teenagers we
loved going to the fair
with our friends and
dared them to ride every
ride. Remember the
Fun House with all the
mirrors that would make
us look really fat or
skinny? And then
there were the scantily
clad women standing
outside the tent that
featured "Girlie Shows."
They tried their best to
lure the men into the
tent to see their show.
Rumor had it that some
of the boys our age
tried to sneak in
underneath the tent!
Slumber parties were a
big part of the girls'
lives. Remember
how excited we were when
we received an
invitation to a friend's
slumber party? We
played 45 records, and
stayed up half the night
giggling and talking
until we finally fell
All teenagers love to
eat and we had lots of
cool places in Hastings
we liked to frequent.
How many of you remember
the name of the ice
cream store located in
the little green house
at 9th & Colorado?
It was Walters and was
purchased by Bob Garey
who relocated it at 203
West 9th and renamed it
Bob Garey's Ice Cream
Store. It's hard
to believe now, but we
could get a double dip
soft chocolate cone for
a nickle!
Remember the small dime
store where we could get
ice cream? Hesteds
on 2nd Street had a
small soda fountain
along the wall past the
comic books. If we
had a little extra money
in our pockets, we could
buy a banana split for a
And then there was Jones
Drug store which was
located on 2nd street
across the street from
Woolworth's and
Kresge's. We used
to buy cherry cokes,
green rivers and french
fries there.
And of course some of
the best malts in town
were at Hulsker's Drug

Whirla' Whip -
Photo Courtesy of Sharon
Gergen |
One of our favorite hang
outs was at 1008 South
Burlington - Whirla'
Whip which was famous
for their "In A Tub" ice
cream. We loved
going there and being
served by car hops while
we sat in our cars.
Kids often cruised the
big gravel parking lot
just to check out who
was there.
of our favorite places
was A & W which was
located several blocks
south of Duncan Field on
Elm Street. We
could buy a mug of root
beer for five cents.
Their coney island hot
dogs were a big hit with
many of us. A lot
of kids frequented
Johnny's Drive Inn which
was across the street
from Duncan Field.

Ok Cafe - Photo
Courtesy of
Garry Lutz |
our favorite hang out
was the
located at 1622 North
St. Joseph.
The cafe was open 24
hours/day and some of us
logged many hours tucked
away in one of their
booths. None of us
has most likely
forgotten the taste of
their famous homemade
cinnamon rolls!
Crusin was popular
during the fifties
throughout all of the
US. And, Hastings
kids loved it too!
How many of you remember
the official cruising
strips? Kids
cruised up and down
Burlington Avenue from
Highway 6 to the High
School. 2nd Street
from Burlington to
Minnesota, north to 3rd
and then back to
Burlington Ave. and then
started all over again.
All of
you guys in our class
surely remember where
some very important
events took place!
Remember 12th Street
where drag racing took
place? How many of
you remember 7 Hills
Road which was out in
the country? 7
Hills Road was south of
town and many a car was
rolled there. In
fact two of the guys
from our class admit to
rolling a
5 times
on that road!

YMCA - Photo
Courtesy of Sharon Gergen |
All of you most likely
remember the old YMCA
located at 4th & Lincoln.
As kids we loved swimming in
the indoor pool. When
we were teenagers going to
the Y Canteen on Friday and
Saturday nights was the "in"
thing to do. Anyone
remember the cost of
admission? It cost us
a whopping 10 cents to get
in! Dancing was in the
gym, the boys were usually
on one side of the gym and
the girls on the other.
Do you remember the other
name of the Canteen - it was
The Tiger Hawk Den.
Remember the
2nd floor - we could buy
candy and pop, and play ping
pong up there.
How many of you remember the
booth on the 2nd floor that
overlooked the gym?
That is where they played
the records that we danced

Masonic Temple
The Masonic Temple will
always hold a special place
in the hearts of some of us!
Some of the guys in our
class belonged to Demolays
and some of gals to Job's
Daughters. Some of our
parents were Masons,
Shriners and Eastern Stars.
We will always remember the
fabulous banquets we
attended! Do you
remember the hours we
invested decorating for the
banquets and dances? Any of
you gals remember hoping a
special Demolay would invite
you to one of their dances?
How many of you remember the
name of the Masonic Temple?
It is Tehama Temple which
was granted a charter in
1917. The Masonic
Temples is still located at
411 North Hastings Street.

What fun we all had
at the school dances!
Remember the slow dance,
bunny hop, the shag and
the jitter bug? Do
any of you gals remember
who you asked to the
Sadie Hawkins dances?
The sock hops were great
fun too. Who could
ever forget the fabulous
decorations at the
Valentine and Homecoming
dances? Probably
the dances we remember
the most were the Junior
and Senior Proms.
The girls shopped for
hours to find the
perfect dress and shoes
to wear. Many
corsages from those
dances were dried and
then pressed into many
of our scrapbooks.
In 1950 the population
of Hastings was 20,211.
The 2000 census lists
the population of
Hastings as 24,064.
We hope this page has
brought back some happy
memories for all of you!